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TWP57 is a chromium-based flux cored wire electrode used to protect equipment and parts from heavy wear and mild-to-moderate direct impact.
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TWP57 has a compatible composition that allows it to be applied on a wide array of materials and it maintains good Rockwell Hardness (HRc) and wear ability at elevated temperatures.
- Heavy abrasion and mild/moderate impact resistance.
- Compatible composition for welding.
- Hardness increase on underlying layer(s).
- Good hardness at elevated temperatures.
TWP57 can be applied to carbon steel, manganese base materials and mild or alloy steels. The maximum recommended deposit thickness of TWP56 is 2 – 3 layers, or 1/4” (6.35mm).
TWP57 is used to cover exposed bolts and seams for installation of T156 wear plate and parts, as well as for small area lining of heavy wearing parts and equipment such as the front lip ‘bull- nose’ of asphalt screeds.
Welding Procedure
TWP57 should only be applied on clean surfaces free of contami- nants. TWP57 electrode should be held verticle to the work piece,and a short-to-medium arc should be maintained.
Depend- ing on parent material, pre-heating is necessary and post weld cooling should be gradual to keep ‘cross-checking’ or stress reliev- ing to a minimum.
For manganese steels, a ‘cushion layer’ is recommended and pre-heating is not recommended. The result- ing deposit is not machinable or forgeable, and grinding is only possible with diamond tools.
TWP57 is used for a screed plate’ bullnose’.
On the ‘bullnose’ or front lip of the screed, FCAW is used to appply TWP57.
Application Process
(Shielding gas not required)
Packaging - Wire
1/16” (1.6mm) 25kg spools 3/32” (2.4mm) 25kg spools 7/64” (2.8mm) 25kg spools
Rockwell C (HRc) Hardness
Wire layer 1: 59 HRc,
layer 2:63 HRc
Electrode: 61 – 63 HRc
Packaging - Electrode
1/8” (3.25 mm) 4.5kg sleeves
5/32” (4.0 mm) 4.5kg sleeves
3/16 (5.0 mm) 5kg sleeves